In February I decided to take join Clueathon, a readathon based on the board game Clue. I decided to build my TBR on those prompts. Even though I doubt I will be able to finish reading so many books and keep up with my studies, I will do my best to read as much as time allows me to. The challenges for this readathon are:
1. Courtyard: Read a book with blue on the cover
I read a book by this author in the Autumn of last year and I liked it a lot. I can't wait to start this new series. This book follows the romance between a sexy, single dad and his reluctant live-in nanny. This book is different as I have never read a story with this type of plot, and I can't wait to get around to it!
2. Billiard room: You would never see us playing sports, read a book about someone who is different from you / a diverse read
I loved the first book in this series. A Strange Hymn by Laura Thalassa is the second book in the series, and as it's a fantasy romance it's perfect for this challenge. It follows a siren and the Bargainer, the Night King, and a man of many mysteries. I can't wait to get back to this world, to this story, and to these characters! It will most likely be one of my favorite books of this year and for sure of the month!
3. Study: Read a historical fiction
I did start this book at the end of January, I read the first 3 chapters and I must admit I am highly intrigued. I usually don't read historical fiction, but I very much think I will love this one. It seems to be fast-paced, fascinating, and I am already hooked. Might be because it has a rebellious heroine, and it involves pirates. I saw this book on Jess's (from PeaceLoveBooks) favorite books of 2020 and I glad I picked it up. I can't wait to read more of it!
4. The hall: Read a big book
Another historical fiction, I'm starting to wonder what I'm thinking. I did highly enjoy the first book in the series but never got around keep reading the other two books. For me, this is a big, intimidating read, and, even though I might not get around to finishing it this month, I really want to read it in the near future.
5. Lounge: Read the group book / come to one of the lives
As I already have quite a big TBR and I am not a fast reader I will aim to enter one of the live shows.
6. Dining room: Read a short/fast read, a book you will eat up
I loved loved loved the first 3 books in this series! Erin Watt is, in my humble opinion, an amazing writer duo. I can't wait to read this book and not just because this will be a fast short amazing read!
7. Ballroom: Read a book with a beautiful cover
I own this book, I like the cover, it's romance. I completely forget anything else about this book. Maybe it will be one of my new favorite books? Have you read it? Did you like it?
8. Conservatory: Read a book with nature on the cover or that includes an animal
I liked the cover and the title. Do I know more about this book? Well, not really, but I do want to read it and find more that way. To me, it looks like a cute, sweet romance between a city girl that moved to the countryside and a boy living there.
9. Library: Free choice
For those who know me, it's a fact that I almost never listen to audiobooks. Surprise surprise, I picked this book because I could find the audiobook for it. I did start listening to it already and it's light-hearted, fun, and exactly the type of book I'm in need of. Can't wait to write a review for it. And who knows, maybe it will get me into audiobooks? Recommend me some more audiobooks below and I might try them next month.
10. Kitchen: Weapon on the cover
To be completely honest, I missed reading Jennifer L. Armentrout's books. I liked everything I read by her so far (I thought Obsidian was ok and didn't like how long it took me to get through it, but adored everything else I read by her) and I must admit; this book scares me! And it's long. Will I get to finish reading it this month? Maybe not, as I will probably prioritize some other books on this TBR, but it would be great if I get to at least start it.
I must admit that I am more excited about some of these books than others, some I did started already and read the first few pages (under 5%). I would also like to finish some of the books I have already started too, but we'll see how well I can manage my time. What are your reading plans for the month?