Jun 1, 2017

June reading & blogging plans

As the summer holiday is fast approaching and I escaped for the most part of exams, I can finally get back into reading and blogging. So this is what I want to do with this month posts and reads:
On 3rd- 4th of June, 10th - 11th of June and from 23rd to 30th I am going to host a read-a-thon. The rules are simple: you read as much as you can during those days, but it has to complete one of the summer reading challenges or be on your summer To Be Read, in my case, it must be on my series I want to finish this summer. Feel free to read along with me.
For the blog I wish to diversify my post, not only literature and books but more like a lifestyle kind of posts. I am going to post stories from real life, discussions and tips and tricks that have helped me until now. I am really interested in nutrition and what a healthy lifestyle is involving and I had experimented around this lately. Maybe I am also going to upload some videos, who can tell for sure?
So just stick around if you want to find out more about my future posts! :)