Title: Black River Quiver Author: Alexa Riley, Jessa Kane Print length: ebook, 98 pages Genres: Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Novella Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping |
Morgan is just looking to have a fun spring break until her workaholic mom brings along her new boyfriend. But when she ditches the two of them she ends up lost in a swamp, ankle-deep in mud, and facing down a gator the size of Godzilla.
Rixen has been praying for God to send him his angel, his rightful mate who will live with him in the swamp and bear his children. When he finds the strawberry-blonde beauty before him in danger, de doesn't hesitate to save her. Then claim his reward.
WARNING: Okay, so, um, this is amazingly terrible. This is so over the top, it’s on top of over the top. This book is on the level of ridiculousness that surpasses all our stunts before this. You know what happens when we team up with Jessa Kane…but this is hands down the best/worst we’ve ever done. And we’re so proud we could wrestle a gator. Spoiler: There’s a lot of animal wrestling ahead. Grab your overalls and bug spray, we’re going in the bayou.
I have read two other books by Alexa Riley: one I loved, the other was okay, but maybe not the book for me. I went in this book expecting to get a steamy romance and a fast read and to some extent I did. I really wanted to like this book...however, I ended up cringing quite often while reading this story.
I felt like the plot was lacking. I can't say there was something that impressed me in any way. However, I did enjoy the ending. For me, that was the best part of the book. By then I think I accustomed myself to the style and direction of this story. I like happy endings and seeing family dynamics and we got to see this at the end of the story. I do believe that everyone should have their own choice, but I didn't have the feeling that Morgan did completely have that. I did like the photography aspect of the story, however, just having a state-of-the-art camera in very good shape because a tourist forgot it or dropped it in the swan is a bit of a stretch. I felt like there were parts in this story that make absolutely no sense.
There was some character development in the story, but not enough for my liking. The hero manages to get over some of his insecurities and the female protagonist learns more about herself. However, I didn't like the female character. I consider her quite naive and easily manipulable. In my opinion, she had a week personality. The characters weren't reliable and I would cringe whenever Rixen would call himself 'daddy'. The fact that he talked himself down into believing he's unworthy and ugly is a big turn off for me. I didn't like his possessiveness, I found him to take it a bit too extreme. I do like when a man wants to protect his girl, but Morgan wasn't even his in the beginning and I am quite against the whole "I am a man, you are mine; carry my children" concept. The fact that Morgan was a virgin didn't add anything to the story. Maybe this is a sign that novellas aren't the best piece of literature for me, but I did have mixed feelings about the characters of this book.
Atmosphere: I did enjoy the atmosphere and landscapes. It's the first book I read that was set in the Everglades and I really like the descriptions of the place. The writing was good, easy to get through, even for a non-native English speaker. However, the writing didn't stand out in any way to me. The intrigue felt flat to me, sadly I felt like the story was lacking the plot.
Overall, I think this book just wasn't for me. I know there are people who enjoyed this book and I can see why: the writing wasn't bad, the atmosphere was enjoyable, the sexy time was there, but it personally made me feel uncomfortable every now and then. If you are 18 or older and you think you will enjoy this story go ahead and read it, unfortunately, I wouldn't recommend it.
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