I don't know about you, but I love watching reading vlogs and weekly study videos or life updates. I enjoy seeing how others are spending their time and what they do to achieve their goals. It motivates me and gives me ideas of how I can improve myself. Unfortunately, I do not feel comfortable with putting my face all over the internet, so I thought it would be a nice idea to put this concept into writing. As I have been absent for quite a while now, and I took a shot trying to have a blog on a different platform, I'm not sure how much engagement I'm going to have here. I still want to have these posts regularly as it is a way of documenting my life and my growth as well as a way of keeping me accountable to read. Either way, even if no one ever reads these posts but me, I will feel accomplished to have written them. My main reading challenge for this year is to read 52 books. I have never read so many books in a year. Will this be the year when I surpass all my reading habits and expectations? I think the most I ever read is 35 books in a year, and that happened a while back. In the last few years I barely reached 30 books. 52 books seem like quite a challenge and commitment right now.
Let me make a small introduction about the week ahead and what I am currently reading. This is project submission and examination week, and the end of my first semester at university. Also, because I started reading quite a few books lately and I still have books I have been reading for a while, I would love to finish at least two books. I do think it's something manageable to accomplish. I would also like to write my post before I start reading another one, but I don't want to force myself to do that as I am quite busy. It is one of my intentions, we'll see how it goes. You can find in the picture below the 5 books I am currently reading.
Monday, 18th January:
9:20 am - Good morning, World! It's Monday morning and it's the beginning of a very busy day. I didn't get around to read this morning as tonight we need to hand in the code of the project and tomorrow night is the deadline for the academic report. I went to bed at around 2:30 last night, so the hour I could have used for reading I spent in bed wishing for sleep. That sounds like the typical student life to me... There's no time to lose so let's get into what I need to finish today: I need to enter a team meeting, check the last changes of the code, finish a post and go out with a friend. Hopefully, I can also squeeze in some reading. My best guess now is to try and make a schedule for the day and do my best to stick to it as much as I can.
11:55 am - The project meeting is done and I can't help but be extremely grateful for my team! We worked well together. Now I am scared to have another team... I did start planning for February and for the new term, as well as for blog posts and reading I want to get done. I don't have many holidays, so I need to make the best of the time I have. Now I'm going to take a lunch break and start working on the report until I go out for a walk.
9:20 pm - I am the PROCRASTINATION QUEEN! But at least I got a bit of reading done, a chapter of "The kiss thief" by L.J. Shen to be precise. I also did enjoy myself on a walk and meeting a friend I haven't seen in a while. I also found out I passed one of my classes today, so it made me feel less bad for not putting in all day of work. Despite that, the load of work I still have to finish until tomorrow is high. Guess I'm going to have another white night with loads to study, but if I'm lucky I will be able to sleep-in tomorrow morning! Today was a great day.
Tuesday, 19th January:
7:30 pm - I feel like I haven't done much today, but I did finish most things for the project. I'm exhausted and the meeting is still going. I finished almost everything I had on my to-do list, but didn't get any reading done.
Wednesday, 20th January:
11:00 am - Things are finally slowing down a bit. I could get the morning off today to have some me-time. Have I read anything yet? Well, not really. I've been watching tv, chilling,, and moving around, but I feel much better now. I really needed this time off. I still need to finish some project work, but I think today will be a smooth day. I think I can get some reading done too at some point. Now I want to finish a few things before starting work on the presentation. I'll catch up with you later.
9:00 pm - Did I read anything today? No, no I didn't. I am almost done with the project and I started a reading journal which made me feel great. Now I need to also read more to fill it up.
Thursday, 21st January:
11:20 am - I did end up reading quite a bit last night before I went to sleep. I read around 50 pages of the Kiss Thief by L. J. Shen and I have mixed feelings about that book. I also got to watch an episode of Jane the Virgine, a TV show I love so far, even though I watched only a few episodes. As the end of term is fastly approaching and I don't have any resits this term, things started to slow down and I can start focusing on creating a sustainable schedule for the next period of my studies to also have some time to read and relax. I can finally have a chill tea and reading day in bed! It will probably happen during the weekend as today and tomorrow are project examination days and I need to prepare and be present and active in multiple meetings throughout the day. I am pretty confident I can squeeze in a bit of reading today, so let's see how much I can read. Hopefully, I can finish a book, but that's quite ambitious as I am quite a slow reader.
2:53 pm - Ok, I might get more tasks to do, than I would like. I like helping people, but sometimes I should probably say no. Especially when it doesn't align with my goals, but what if it aligns with my personality? I like studying, it's part of who I am and used to be, so why not help others by giving them extra exercises. But coming up with those exercises and solving them might take quite a bit of my free time this weekend.
8:44 pm - I am watching a movie with my mom tonight and I like it a lot. We are watching Julie & Julia starring at Meryl Streep. It was great movie. It makes me want to cook something, even try a new recipe. (When I cook I rarely follow a recipe)
Friday, 22nd January:
11:00 pm - Today was quite a busy day, but I am quite happy with what I managed to accomplish. I did watch some tv shows, the project is done, and now I can finally start relaxing. The week finally came to an end and I can start catching up on sleep!
Saturday, 23rd January:
8:00 pm - It was such a wholesome day today! I finally found the time to disconnect from everything for a few hours. I'm also really tired and tomorrow I will have quite a bit of work to do. The rest of my plan for tonight is to read and relax. I have my tv on watching HGTV as background noise, I might put on some music instead if it bothers me while reading. The only thing missing is a hot drink and a blanket and I'm good to go.
Sunday, 24th January:
11:40 am - I am so happy I spent last night reading! I stayed up until midnight reading Kyra Radcliff's book and I love it. I am deeply and madly in love with it. I feel I can appreciate it much more now, then I would have were I to read it earlier this year. In the last few months, I changed quite a bit: my way of thinking changed, my taste changed and I start to notice that my personality is changing too. I do appreciate this book much more now. I have 3 chapters left of the book and I think I can finish it today. I will also try to squeeze in some other activities. I still need to figure out a few things for university. I also logged into my Netgalley account for the first time in many, many months, and I did request some titles. The one I'm most excited to have found in the reading now section is a poetry book by Amanda Lovelace. I read some other books by her and I love her poetry. I would love to read that one today as well as I usually go through poetry quite quickly. I want to also start planning out in advance my next period of classes, as the timetable is out by now. So, I might do some bullet journal layouts today just so it will be easier for myself to keep organized when chaos breaks loose again ( aka I get super duper busy and I feel like doing nothing and it takes a toll on my sleep). Let's see how much I can end up doing because I have quite a big to-do list as you can see.
10:00 pm - I did start reading the poetry book I told you of. I did not yet get around to finish reading any books just yet, but I am quite positive I will finish at least one in the next few hours. For this week this is the last update. See you again soon!