Jan 19, 2019

January TBR

This are the challenges I drew up for this month. Two of them are romanceopolly challenges and the other 4 are some I would also like to complete this month. I am still hoping I can complete at least 4 of them this month and although it is the middle of the month I would love to push through and read 6 books. So this are my challenges:

1. Read a 5 star prediction: The murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie 3.5/5 stars
2. Read a book that will transport you in the future

3. Read a book that will transport you in the past: Famous Last Words by Katie Alender 4/5 stars

4. Read a book with your favorite animal on the cover in the title or in the story

5. Read a smoking hot erotic contemporary romance

6. Read a new adult book set in college: 3:AM kisses by Addison Moore 5/5 stars

If you would like to complete any of these challenges feel free to do so. I haven't come up with any of this challenges, either. Leave your recommendations in the comments below.

Jan 6, 2019

2019 Reading Goals

This year I decided to make it easy for me as I will have more important exams than I am used to and I started to work on some highly important personal projects and as a consequence I will have less free time on my hands so I went for attainable goals that would not put that much pressure on me... Or so at least I hope. So without further-ado, here are my reading and blog resolutions for this new year.

1. Participate in Romanceopoly
I recently discovered a video by one of my favorite booktubers talking about this project and I fell in love with it. I am conscious that my reading is far from being as various as I would like and I hope this challenge would give me the right push to enlarge my reading taste and appetite for lecture. As I mostly read romance and contemporary books I found these challenges to be perfect for what I was looking for.

2. I want to read 24 books this year
I have discovered that the highest amount of books I get to read in a month if I push myself a little is around 6 books, but the thing is that I don't want to force myself to read. Also there are moths when I do not have the time or the desire to read and so the difference is major. Some months I get to devour 6 maybe 7 books and other moths I do not read at all. As a result I consider reading, on average,  2 books each month is something I could do without as much effort.

3. TBR's... are not for me
I am a mood reader. I CANNOT stick to a proper traditional TBR! So what I am going to try what I call "the reading harder challange". Each month I am going to pick with the help of a number generator 6 promts for which I have to pick a book and from those books I have to finish reading at least 2 every month. Maybe this could give me some more liberty in choosing what I read without being too intimidated by the huge amount of books on my TBR. At the end of each month I will update the post in which I have listed the challenges so as to keep track of my progress.

I would also like to try to do kind of a TBR jar challenge where I pick at least one of my reads for the month, but I am not sure that this one will work out by the end of the year. However, I think it's worth the try.

4. More reviews
I like to think that I am critical of the things that surround me, however I do not thing I am very good at expressing my opinion clearly when it comes to that and I would like to improve that. As a result I am challenging myself to write, edit and post at least one review every month.

5. Keep posting
Due to lack of motivation, not reading or having to many things to do at once I tend to neglect my  hobbies and blogging and talking about books is one of them. So I would like to post at least once a week or every other week. That should be doable, right?

Hope you enjoyed today's post. Next I am going to make a list of the top 19 books I'm most excited to read this year and which I would very much hope to read before 2020.